
Shower Screens – An Easy and Modern Alternative to a Bath Curtain

A shower screen is an easy and modern alternative to a bath curtain. They provide a sleek, clean look and make your bathroom feel bigger.

Frameless shower screens offer a modern aesthetic and are easier to clean because they don’t have frames that collect gunk and mildew. However, they are usually more expensive and require precise installation to prevent water leaks.

Enhances the Visual Appeal of Your Bathroom

High-quality shower screens offer aesthetic versatility. They can be customised to suit your bathroom décor with hardware finishes such as brushed nickel and matte black, decorative elements such as textured or fluted glass, and sizes that fit your shower space.

Frameless shower screens are a popular choice for homeowners. They are sleek and stylish and can make a small space appear larger. They also allow for better visibility of dirt and grime which makes cleaning easier.

Frameless and semi-frameless shower screens can also be fitted with hinges or pivot systems, allowing the door to open both ways for greater accessibility. They can also be fitted with a safety glass to ensure safety and prevent accidents, particularly when children or elderly people are using the shower.

Increases the Value of Your Home

Shower screens are a worthy investment that can increase the value of your home. They are made from toughened safety glass that can withstand impacts and resist breakage. They are also easy to clean and durable, minimising the need for expensive repairs or replacements.

A high-quality shower screen can contribute to energy efficiency in your bathroom by maintaining a constant temperature, reducing your need for excessive heating or cooling. This can lead to significant savings on your electricity bills over time.

In addition, a frameless shower screen offers a sleek and modern look that can be easily integrated with any bathroom design. This will make your bathroom more attractive to potential buyers when you’re ready to sell. It’s a great way to add value to your home without spending a fortune.

Increases Energy Efficiency

The transparent nature of frameless shower screens allows natural light to penetrate the bathroom, reducing reliance on artificial lighting during the day and lowering energy costs. Additionally, because they are made of glass – a recyclable material – they support environmentally conscious living and contribute to reduced waste.

In addition to being stylish, frameless shower screens are durable and easy to maintain. They are crafted from tempered safety glass, which has been heat-treated to increase strength and durability. They also comply with Australian safety standards and feature minimal components that can corrode or break over time. Additionally, they are designed with small gaps to avoid butting together, which reduces the risk of water leakage and allows for optimal functionality. Moreover, they can be custom-made in various shapes to fit the design theme of your bathroom.

Increases Privacy

Shower screens elevate your bathroom from a functional room to a stylish sanctuary that reflects your personality and style. Unlike cheap “kit form” shower screens, which often do not meet Australian standards, shower screens manufactured by REGAL Shower Screens are crafted with safety glass and are designed to conceal the imperfections of your bathroom tiling, resulting in less water leakage, mould and mildew buildup and simpler cleaning.

The quality of the materials used in the construction of a shower screen also plays an important role in ensuring its durability. For example, high-quality aluminium is preferred for elements like hinges, and forged brass is a better choice for brackets than zinc. These durable and rust-resistant components make shower screens a long-term investment that will increase your home’s value over time.

Easy to Maintain

Shower screens are easy to clean compared to curtains, and they’re resistant to mould and mildew. In addition, they’re hygienic, allowing you to wipe away soap residue and water spots easily.

Framed shower screens offer a more traditional aesthetic and are often cheaper than frameless screens. However, they require precise installation and can be prone to leaks if they’re not properly fitted.

Semi-frameless shower screens are a great choice for homeowners who want the clean lines of a frameless screen but still need the stability of a frame. They’re made of tempered glass and can last for years. You can also purchase a product like EnduroShield that repels soap scum and makes cleaning your shower screen a breeze. You won’t have to scrub or use harsh chemicals, and you’ll save up to 90% cleaning time.